Happiness is Dancing


So my friend sent me this link of from the British version of “Got To Dance” a video of  Bridget aka “Happiness” doing Scatman.  His comment was I did know if this was sad or funny.  I actually watched it and thought amazing!   The Happiness is smiling and joyously dancing.

I read the comments under various YouTube videos for he performance and I was bother by the cruelness of people.  Yes it was Happiness choice to put herself out there is different than a choice most of us would have made.  But is that not the beauty of her performance.  The No fear aspect of it.  Those who poke fun and put down this women are bullies.  We tell our children not to bully but yet as adults we do and it is wrong.

I remind you of how many time have you been alone in a car and blast your favorite song and sung or been home blasted the music and dance in your underwear al-la Tom Cruse  style. Happiness should be celebrated and toasted for spirited freeing Scatman.

How wonderful that this women is confident to follow her dreams.   You never know until you try.

Bravo Happiness Bravo!

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